+33 (0)1 40 04 92 30 Lun - Jeu 7h30 - 17h30 / Ven 7h30 - 16h 37, Avenue de Saint-Mandé 75012 PARIS
+33 (0)2 48 50 18 10 Lun - Jeu 8h - 17h / Ven 8h - 16h Rue du Minerai 18570 La Chapelle-Saint-Ursin
ISO 9001 since 1998

Vibration tests

Vidéo test Junker

NAS Test

Vibration Test Video NF E 25-005

Vibration Test NAS 3350

The test samples were subjected to the following conditions:

  • vibration test NAS 3350 using NASM 1312-7 specifications. This method establishes a standard procedure for conducting accelerated vibration tests. The J. Lanfranco nuts were tightened to 81.8 Nm and exposed to 1750 cycles/minute for 30,000 cycles in the vertical axis only