+33 (0)1 40 04 92 30 Lun - Jeu 7h30 - 17h30 / Ven 7h30 - 16h 37, Avenue de Saint-Mandé 75012 PARIS
+33 (0)2 48 50 18 10 Lun - Jeu 8h - 17h / Ven 8h - 16h Rue du Minerai 18570 La Chapelle-Saint-Ursin
ISO 9001 since 1998

Rail Live 2023

Rail Live 2023: Innovation and opportunities for J. LANFRANCO & Cie

Rail Live, the flagship event of the railway industry, will be held from November 29 to December 1, 2023 at IFEMA, Madrid. J. LANFRANCO & Cie will play a key role by presenting its products in Hall 4, Stand B052.

Why join us at Rail Live?

– Discover our latest products, from single and double slot self-locking nuts to modular fasteners

– Learn how our self-locking nuts can withstand extreme conditions and ensure the safety of your installations

– Meet our team of experts to discuss your specific requirements, from standard to custom designs

We look forward to seeing you at our booth to share this unique experience.

We strongly encourage you to book your free entry here